Tuesday, April 12, 2016

5 Keys To Having A Great Relationship

5 Keys To Having A Great Relationship

A relationship is something that no one on this Earth can avoid, because it is not only for you and a significant other, but a relationship is composed of you and another being. A relationship can be between two persons, whether it's you and another friend, you and your boss or co-worker, you and your parents, you and your significant other, or more importantly you and God. The amazing part about these various types of relationships are the benefits that come with the package including but not limited to: protection, someone to confide in, and some people you can use as networking tools for a better job or position. In order for us to be able to harvest these assets, we must recognize that all great relationships have 5 key characteristics that we all must strive to acquire. 
These 5 traits are essential to our everyday lives and relationships with everyone we encounter, and without these our relationships with others will not reach its full potential, but rather suffer from the lack there of. Because I value them so much, I am going to do my best to list and explain them in full details. However, later on I will break down these 5 key's for each different type of relationship you can possibly have. Now some of these are obvious, but we may take them for granted, others are probably new but can still be used to optimize your relationships. The 5 key's are: Spend time together, respect their space, study your partner, make them a priority, and seek to serve rather than to be served. 

Key #1 Spend time together

I'm starting off with "Spend Time Together" simply because you can not achieve any of the other key's without doing this one first. Spending time together is one of the key's that I was saying is pretty obvious, but many of us to take it for granted. It's easy to lose sight of what it truly means to spend time with another person. It's not as simple as saying "we brushed our teeth together", or " we ate dinner together." Spending time is not doing the minimal, it's going the extra mile, it's taking the extra step. Don't seek to just spend time, or to just be in their presence, but earnestly try to give them your full undivided attention. 
As our relationships age we tend to get away from this characteristic, and allow life's circumstances to get in between the ones we really care about. In actuality we need to do the exact opposite. How can you expect to grow together, or progress if you never spend good quality time? Quality time may look different for different people, but it's all in the same. I encourage you to find something that your partner would really enjoy doing. Do things where distractions are a minimal. Examples may include walks on the beach to enjoy the sunset, having a spontaneous picnic in a secluded area, or going to a paint night. The object is not to spend a lot of money, instead to spend a lot of time. 
Let's look at it this way, the saying "Time is money", it's a powerful quote. It's powerful for this reason only, with money just like time, it either can be wasted or invested. Nobody likes the idea of wasting money, so we should not like the idea of wasting time. So we need to look to always find a way to invest both the extra time and money. When we invest our money we receive a dividend, a profit, some type of monetary compensation, but when we invest our time in our relationships we do not get a monetary gift but instead we receive the benefits that's stated above depending upon the type of relationship. Please remember the benefits are not the most important part, but the fact that you are spending good quality time with them. 

Key #2: Respect Their Space

Being able to respect people's space is really important. Respect for ones space can be taken in different ways. Two come to my mind, and both share it's equal importance to your relationships. The first way to respecting ones space is by giving them the necessary room to be themselves, while the other way is literally respecting their space; like a house, apartment, or office. Let's break these two down.
The first viewpoint will be respecting their need to have time away from you. Yes, it is a little contradicting to the first key, but just remember with all great things there is always great balance. You do not want to make them feel smothered. When they feel this way, they will not want to be around you and will look for every reason not to chill. Since they will not want to hangout and spend quality time, you will lose because you are now growing apart rather than together. Being too clingy will cause regression instead of progression. 
The other way to respect space is to respect their physical space. Not everybody lives by the saying "Mi Casa es Su Casa", keeping this in mind, try to show a great regard to their haven. Prime example: when I'm at work, doing lesson plans or whatever it is I'm doing, I personally do not like it when a co-worker enters my workspace without knocking. It shows a great deal of disrespect and is also dishonoring. Before you just barge in your boss's office, or pop up at your boyfriend or girlfriends house, just be mindful to be considerate of their personal space. 

Key #3: Study Your Partner

The 3rd key to a great relationship will start the newly introduced aspects of obtaining the tremendous connection with the people you desire. We live in a day and age where we are constantly on the go, which is great to stay out of trouble and places we should not be, but sometimes we need to sit back and take a country minute, and learn to observe our partners. In order to be a good companion, or employee we should know the likes and dislikes of the other. Of course anybody can tell if somebody is in a bad mood, but not many people would know what to do. Sometimes we need to respect their space and give them room, other times they need some good quality time. It's not totally your responsibility to know, but how great would it feel for both you and them if you knew what to do with out having to be told what to do. 
As previously stated, when you study your partner, you will grasp a better understanding. You will be able to know when it's time to use either key #1 or key #2. You will mostly never get it right 100% of the time, but do the best you can. Trial and error is always effective, as long as you are analyzing the results of what you have tried and the effects it had on your relationship. For most people when they have a stressful day they would really love some love, affection, and to feel appreciated. While others just need time to relax and unwind. So study to get a feel of who they are, so you can assist them and be there when they need it most. So you can know how to help even when the individual is suffering in silence. 

Key #4: Make Them A Priority

     The other person has to feel important to you, and the only way to do this is making them a priority in your life. Not everybody can have the number one spot, but we can always make everybody feel like they are number one. The illustration can be quite simple, if you are on the phone with your mother, and the love of your life is trying to ring in, what do you do? Do you put your mom on hold, or do you not answer? Which ever you choose, you say that that individual takes priority they are number one.
     Sometimes we make the other person feel inferior, or less important in our lives because we do not make them a priority, or at the very least allow our actions to coincide with our true feelings. Meaning we do really feel like they are number one, maybe a extreme close second, but they do not perceive it that way because of our actions. Sometimes we make the other person feel less respected by paying more attention to social media, by texting people while you are spending quality time, or you could yield to people before you yield to them. All these are ways that we can make people feel lower than they actually should.
The only way to truly know how you treating them is by going back to key #3, you need to make yourself truly sit down and study them. Study how your actions affect their mood, how they feel when you are on or phone, wrapped up on Instagram, or when you talk to others. I can not stress enough that the only way you truly can make them feel like a priority is to study and takes notes of how they interact with different situations. 

Key#5: Seek to Serve, Rather than to be Served

Key #5 is absolutely my favorite out of them all. I know personally going into a relationship it was always what can the person do for me? When I got a job I asked " what will be my benefits, how much am I getting paid?"  But as I matured, I realized that life is not always about me. I have learned that it is truly better to serve than to be served. In our relationships we should always seek to ease the pain of our beloved, or stress of our boss in anyway possible, because when we help others we help ourselves. 
You can definitely tell when this key has been fully been optimized, because you will learn how to serve even in the rough patches of your relationship. No matter how crazy your spouse is, you will seek to serve, because it's showing unconditional love. It tells the other person that, you enjoy quality time with them no matter what. It shows that you will respect their space even when they seem most distant. You will know them better than ever cause you study and analyze them daily. You definitely will make them feel like a priority, a king or queen like everybody deserves. Best of all you will have the greatest relationship with anybody you come in contact with. 

Now you have the 5 key's to having a great relationship. I will definitely be posting ways to use this for the different type of relationships we will have throughout life. Don't just read these share them with others, and put them to practice. Most importantly seek to serve

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